Jul 23, 2008

Behind The Scenes

The past month has been absolutely insane for us, and coming from the month prior to that where Mr Queller was severely injured six ways to Sunday and in recuperation, let's say we've been a little busy trying to catch up.

From June and the injuries, family losses, and what would come down to just bad luck (web server outages, hard line outages from the massive flooding in Indiana, plus the tornadoes and lightening storms) and now into and soon to be the end of July...

Massive infrastructure failures near where the Queller Technology servers are located have kept them offline this month and in sporadic communications with the rest of what appears to be civilization. Luckily Andromeda3D is their only concern so they aren't answering to any other clients like another company would be at this point.

Which brings me to Andromeda3D as a project, and a long overdue status update for those of you who read the blog or have it delivered automatically to your email.

For the time being we've decided to continue on with development of other things concerning the systems integration while we try to figure out the remaining issues with the System Analyzer (nVidia cards are still not reporting back to us their hardware specs). Not to say things are not moving forward, they just took a lateral step for other things. So more progress, just on other things not related to the system analyzer portion.

We're again getting back on track, and making progress pulling the rest of the system together for your A3D goodness. Apologies to the beta team who was looking forward to the June 1st milestone, we know you had your hopes set on it (as we did too prior to June + July just working out very badly in RL). We promise that we are making progress and have been since the end of June, so when we do release that first stage, you can expect a better polished system in place for your wait.

August is the month to look out for, but since I am barred from making any definite dates or giving out progress details publicly, this is all I am going to say for now.

Dog Tired and Still Typing

William Burns
Andromeda Media Universe

Jul 6, 2008

Time Is An Illusion - Downtime Doubly So

Estimated time until the server came back on - 5 Days

Actual Time It Took - about 12 hours.

That is some serious speed right there.

Website Is Down

The server that our site resided on apparently had a full out meltdown from traffic. Hard drive failure ensued. The admins are looking into it and probably going to replace the hardware this week with a shiny new hard drive.

Estimated time till completion is about 5 days. Again, sorry the site rocked so hard it blew up the server. We'll try to tone down the awesomeness next time.

Until then, the forums are still alive and kicking offsite at http://forums.ugngamestudios.com

Sorry for the inconvenience. Luckily we did a full website backup about a week ago, so we didn't lose anything.