A little overzealous on the part of the piracy division of vBulletin, we were served with a DMCA notice for the removal of the forums as the license for such was not purchased quick enough to satisfy their piracy division.
We apologize for the downtime, but are still moving forward with a Lifetime License for the forums as the funds properly transfer into a usable form to put toward said purchase, removing the need for this renewal process in the future, and further jumping of the gun by an overzealous piracy division.
The forums will return just as soon as the funding clears and the ink dries on the upgraded lifetime license.
Thank you for your understanding and patience in these matters.
The Management
RFL Living Expo Begins Today
The first of the Relay for Life major fundraisers, the SL Living Expo, is
starting today. From February 5 to Friday February 14, the event will be
1 hour ago
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